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Victor Hugos life | Victor Hugos work |
Victor Hugo was born on Febuary 26th 1802 in Besancon. Already
in his youth he started to write. He got his fisrt honors for poetry at the
age of 15 in 1817 by the Academie francaise. In the prologue of his historical
rhymedrama Cormwell, Victor Hugo breaks out of the strange writingstyles
of the french classic in 1827. Under his general thoughts about the poetry "truth" of literatur, he asked the writers of that, so called, modern age, to admit the ugly and bizarre parts of life in their storylines. |
Everything part of nature, is part of arts´s
Cromwell sucsess on a stage was missed at Hugo´s lifetime. Much
later, in 1956 it was sucesfully perfomed at the Louvre. Yet Hugos second drama about the popular Kurtisane of the 17th century, Marion de Lorme, honored his work. But also this work was censured, because the funny discrebtion of Ludwig XIII. When his novel Notre - Dame de Paris came out in 1833 finally made clear Hugos fame as romanticer so he could join the academie de francaise. Next to the great dissapointment about the unsucessfully drama Les burggraves, he had to get over the death of his oldes daughter and her husband in 1843. In the second half of his life he stopped the writing of poetry to be acitiv in politics. After the July Revolution he first sympathysised the Royalists so he was brought to the upperclass by King Louis Phillipe in 1845. But while the Revolution of 1848 Hugo joined the republicians and joined the goverment as an bonarpatic parlment member. In 1849 Hugo became a member of the National congress. After the unsucessfull coup d ´état against president Louis Napoleon, his politic career endet suddenly. First he escaped to belgium and Jersey. After that he spened his life in exile on the island till 1870. Victor Hugo died on May 22th 1885 in Paris. |
First of all Hugo dedicadet all of his arts of story telling to the historic novel.
His masterpiece of this subject is without a doubt Notre dame de Paris. Next to working on historic as well as on exotic story´s, which he expanded into the reflexiv - metaphysic for many times, Hugo was also activ in politics, as he showes in his novel Claude Gueux, a critic argument with the french society and it´s justice of penalty. On the Island of Guernsey Victor Hugo finished his biggest and next to the hunchback of notre dame most famous work, the 5th and last part of his novel Les Misérables. That was in 1862. In this epic Portrait of the classes of french society, Hugo often breaks the storyline with long story´s about historical events, like the battle of Waterloo, or on the other side he often thinks of hisorical and social problems. He describes in a very detailed way the confusing buildet sewers of Paris in the chapter "Im Bauch von Paris". Hugo makes his liberal changes clear: |
A society that allowes suffering, a religion that allowes a hell, a human being that allowes war seems disgusting to me. With all my will I wanted to destroy the human unfortunes, I damm slavery and I´m hunting the misery. I care for the sickness and bring light into the night. I hate hating. That´s me and that´s why I wrote Les Misérables. For me Les Misérables is a book, that is a foundation of brotherhood, and the top of progress. |
A short time after Les Misérables appeared, Charles Baudelaire
dedicated a great and positiv critic. A defending for the miserabel, those, who suffer because of their misery und those who are disgraced by that. Spoken by the most popular speaker of that times. |
Les Misérables is a book of the brotherly
love. A warning to the selfish society, that doesn´t cares for the laws of brotherhood. |
Victor Hugo is a very engaged writer - avant la lettre. The most important french germanist Robert Minder, who complained about LesMis didn´t found so much popularity in Germany, while the people loved it in france, america and russia, wrote in his studies about Paris in the french literatur: |
Avantgardist´s as Michel Butor celebrated Hugo as a master of the objectiv novel, who confuses the single one and makes this confusings clear, when he put´s them into the whole. The long meditations of the poet about Bagno, Waterloo, Kingdom, Barricades, sweaers, gravehards, convents are not just rethoric pages. It´s visionary to the innerst circle, giftet with plastical pictures and written on the highest level of art as a mind foundation as a work of squares which are sorunded by a circle of the story. |